Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) has been uplifting lives and promoting mental wellness for all since 1968.
How we think, feel and act is influenced by our mental health. Cultivating mental wellbeing is key to a fulfilling and meaningful life.
We provide a broad range of services across our 10 centres. These include counselling, creative services, outreach activities, rehabilitation, and workplace skills training.
Let’s celebrate individuals who have overcome the odds, as well as those who have touched the minds and hearts of others. Be inspired by their stories.
Get our latest news and periodicals here. Feel free to contact us directly if you cannot find the information that you’re looking for.
Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) has been uplifting lives and promoting mental wellness for all since 1968.
How we think, feel and act is influenced by our mental health. Cultivating mental wellbeing is key to a fulfilling and meaningful life.
We provide a broad range of services across our 10 centres. These include counselling, creative services, outreach activities, rehabilitation, and workplace skills training.
Let’s celebrate individuals who have overcome the odds, as well as those who have touched the minds and hearts of others. Be inspired by their stories.
Get our latest news and periodicals here. Feel free to contact us directly if you cannot find the information that you’re looking for.
1 in stock
Description: The background
colour of this artwork represents the need to grasp moments of
inspiration and gain control of life. The smaller
circles shows disorganised and clouded thoughts
wanting to break free.
背景用紫 蓝 色 ,是表 现灵
光一 现的感觉,必须抓紧时间处理事物,否则
茫无 头绪,很难处理问题。画面是很多大小颜
色的 圆圈。在大脑里的灵感,闪出头茫,等待
Copyright © 2018 Singapore Association for Mental Health